's been a really busy day with lots of exchanges and stuff, so i'm just getting on really quick right before dinner, because we are not able to e-mail after 6pm, and dinner starts in just a couple of minutes.
The weeks been good! One of the highlights was that Elder Diaz came back. I don't know if you remember, or if i told you, but he went home the day after we came in, because his step-dad only had like 2 weeks to live. He was dying from cancer. He went home, his step dad died, and he came back last friday night.
On Thursday, i saw President Ukdorf, but it was from quite a ways away. Wed. i think it was, we got notes telling us that we'd be singing in the sunday night devotional/fireside in front of the whole MTC!
On sunday, we were having a great day, that turned into an even better day when we were in district meeting, and we heard a bunch of girls shrieking....we ended REALLY quick, cuz we knew what was going on...the prophet was outside. His car had been parked right in front of our building, and so before he left, he wanted to meet some missionaries. He was a ways away from me, and a few seconds later, i realized that President Eyering was like 10 feet away from me. Somebody asked him a question, and he came closer and started talking to us all...Then pres monson's security told him it was time to leave, but as he was going to his car (moving towards us) he started talking to the group of people i was in. He was asking people where they were going on their missions, and started on my left, moving right. He asked people on either sides of me, but not me. He got to the other end, and there was a little lul in the conversation between everybody, and he looked at me, then pointed at me and said "where are you going on your mission elder?". THE PROPHET TALKED TO ME!!!! Holy cow, it wasn't much, but it was amazing!
As his security told him again that he needed to leave (because his wife was waiting for him in the car), we all started singing "We thank thee O God for a Prophet". He again turned around, smiled, and then started conducting us! He is hilarious, and his sense of humor is just something that you wouldn't expect! After we finished singing, he got in his car, and left.
If that hadn't been enough, we had to sing at the fireside a few hours later. We practiced, did our sound check, went and ate dinner, and then went to sing. I think it went well, and many people told us the same thing. Depending on the quality of the recording, the MTC may send you a full recording of the singing, but it is also on the SD card that I sent home along with some other stuff today.
Other than that, the best part has been having great spiritual discussions, and learning stuff just from personal study! Did you know that: since baptism, we have had the ability to converse in the language of Angels? I learned about that when i was reading in 2 Nephi. Around chapter 30ish i think! ALSO....that there is scripture out there that we will eventually have, we just don't yet. that was in 2 Nephi 29:13 or 14. (right around there anyways!).
I did get all of the pictures! They look great! I really like the one of Uncle Allen! That is definitely a keeper! :D I don't really know what else to say...i'm gonna check the other e-mails i got, see if i didn't answer any questions you asked. If i missed something, i'll send a quick e-mail! :D
I Love all of you!
Oh.....PS. You have my address ALL wrong! :D333 has NOTHING to do with my address anymore. I keep getting letters late because all mine keep going to the wrong place.
Mailbox # 98
Mission Code: Arg-Ban
Departure Date: 0811...i don't think you even need this one, but my district is 48H. ya, see ya....
Elder Denton
3/19/12- Letter to the World
12 years ago