Hello world! I hope you all had a GREAT thanksgiving.
Like i predictid last week, i didn´t realize until VERY late that it even WAS thanksgiving. Planning at the end of the day, i looked in my agenda and saw that it was Thursday - ´´Hey - IT´S THANKSGIVING!´´
My companion doesn´t celebrate thanksgiving, so i had to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my 3 district leaders - Elder HALES!! (From my MTC Group!), Elder Rayme, and Elder Davis! - Needless to say - i didn´t do anything special for thanksgiving.
We had a good week, and it ended with a baptism. We had the interview saturday at about 3, and then started to fill the font. This church where i am here in LA BOCA, and its a new building. The font is on the second floor, so the drain is just a pipe that goes down into the parking garage right below, runs along the ceiling to the wall, and then down and out. The pipe on the wall has a lever that is just open and closed. Obviously, when the font is being filled, the lever needs to be closed so that all of the water doesn´t run out. Well.....the font wasn´t filling up, so we went down, thinking that the other missionaries had left the knob open from their last baptism - but what we found wasn´t really what we expected. The elbow pvc pipe piece that directs the water from down, to run along the ceiling was broken, and the water was falling out of the ceiling all over the garage. The headache began, and we went to find plummers tape. we got a little, patched it up a bit, and started filling the water again...well, the tape wasn´t strong enough to hold a fond full of water, and the water, after filling up about a foot of the font, started gushing out again over the garage. At that point, a guy from another ward, who ´´just happened to be there at the right time´´ (ya right! i´ve been a missionary too long to NOT realize that it was a miracle!) WITH ALL THE TOOLS THAT WE NEEDED to jimmy-rig the pipe.....next week i´ll send the pics. (sorry) Basically, we got another pole, and put it under the other pipe so that it wouldn´t fall, and let all of the water out...we also, for the doubts, unscrewed the drain, and stuck a rag in there to clog it, so that it wouldn´t run down! Thank goodness that this font fills up quickly! With only hot water, it takes like 3 hrs....well, we ended up having like an hour and a half, so we filled it with coldish water, but it was definitely bareable! The baptism turned out great at the end!
Today we went and played tenis....nothing too eventfull.
I Love ya´ll, and hope ya have a great week!
Elder Denton
3/19/12- Letter to the World
12 years ago