Family, Friends, Amigos, y...creo que es todo!
Estoy acá tratando a eligir si puedo escribir como asi, en español, o si puedo cambiar para que Cody no tiene que traducirlo...y creo que voy a cambiar, porque no quiero tener la vergüenza cuando los que pueden entender español leer esta parafo, y entender que en realidad, todavia no se como hablar! fa.
OK...for all of you that didn´t understand that...PERFECT! Because those that can understand spanish probably didn´t understand it either, so you don´t have to feel left out! ...and Cody...sorry...but it´s not much!
Things are going great here in Argentina! We have a busy week. We were supposed to have exchanges on monday, but it´s been changed twice since, and will be on friday. We have had a meeting almost every day, and we have a Mission conference (or something very similar) on saturday morning...which i am VERY excited for...but not for the fact that i have to get up way early to get ready, and be where we have to by 9:30ish. We ALSO have Stake Conference this sunday, which is going to be amazing! The work is picking up, and the time is flying by. The weeks are litteraly feeling like days, and i don´t know how we do all that we do every day. We are still working with Ricardo e Inez, and were very excited to see them in church this past week. One of the members even decided to stay with them through all of the meetings, and went with Inez to Relief Society! We also met an AMAZING investigator sunday night. His name is Webber, and is about 40 yrs old. We were trying to find somebody, and started talking to him, and he let us into his house (miracle!) and we taught him the first discussion. He said that he felt good about what we had taught, and we told him to read the book of mormon, and pray about it. We went back yesterday, and he had read (miracle!), he had prayed (miracle!), AND he said ´me sentí mucho tranquilidad como, no algo que es normal, pero mas´ (i felt a lot of tranquility like, not something normal, but more) WOW! Heavenly Father Definitely Prepares people to recieve the gospel!
Everything else also is going great!
Now...a commitment/challenge from each one of you that is reading this. HELP YOUR LOCAL MISSIONARIES!!! It is SUCH a blessing to recieve referals from members! I challenge each of you to think of one person that is not a member of the church, and give their information to the missionaries!...But it doesn´t stop there! I know that you all know that this gospel is true! Because of the faith that you have, you should be moved to action. What action? Go with the missionaries to this person, give them a book of mormon, bear your testimony...something!
ok...now that you´ve done that, here´s a little tidbit of information about argentina!
(i don´t remember if i already said this, so i´ll do 2 this week!) 1. When you go to somebody´s house, almost always their are gates, or a door that leeds to a hallway of doors, so, the only way to get attention of people is to clap your hands, because you can´t get to their doorbell...and usually, they don´t even have one.
2. They eat a LOT of bread here. EVERY time we go to a members house to eat, there is bread on the table. It´s not like, sandwich bread, but more like a smaller version of french bread.
ANWAYS...i´ve rattled on WAY to long...
I love you all,
Elder Denton